Upcoming Events
Tulsa Community College, 3727 East Apache St.
Remington Education Center
The Common Good, Northwest HUB, 19 S 49th W Ave.
School and community flyers from non-profit, charitable, and civic organizations
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Pre-K: Apple Cinnamon Square, Oranges
K-5th: Sausage Breakfast Pizza, Oranges
Turkey Barbacoa Soft Tacos, Chicken Tenders, Tossed Salad w/ Cheese, Dinner Roll, Fresh Baked Breadstick, Sun Butter & Jelly Sandwich, Three Cheese Sub, Fruit, Vegetables
What's Happening
I pledge to be a great scholar! I will be responsible for my choices. Today, I accept the challenge to become to the best that I can be! How far I reach depends on me!