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Find It Fast

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Elementary School

Middle School

High School

Getting to School


Regular student attendance is vital to learning. Under the compulsory education law, it is the duty of the parent or guardian to notify the school regarding the reason for absences of school­-aged children.

If it is necessary for you to be absent, please have your parent/guardian call the attendance desk at 918-833-8873 before 10:30 a.m. After 48 hours, ​all undocumented absences will be considered unexcused and counted as truancy.


Class hours are 7:30am to 2:35pm for pre-K through fifth grade. Children are not supervised before 7:00am or after 2:50pm. In the interest of safety, please make sure your student does not arrive before 7:00am. At 7:00am students may enter to go to the cafeteria for breakfast.

If you are driving an vehicle to pick up your child at school, we need you to drive your vehicle going north on Pittsburg Ave. and EXIT driving west on Virgin Place. This means you will drive on Pittsburg Ave. going North and turn left onto Virgin Place ONLY! PLEASE DO NOT GO SOUTH ON PITTSBURG DURING DROP-OFF AND DISMISSAL AND HELP AVOID TRAFFIC CONGESTION!


  1. 2:25 Bus riders are dismissed to the cafeteria (Bus stop arrival time will not change)
  2. 2:35 Walkers will be dismissed to the front of the building (Older students will not be allowed to pick up siblings from classrooms. They wait for them at the front door.)
  3. 2:35 Office staff will begin calling car riders over the intercom (they will meet their parents outside in their cars)
  4. If you are picking up not in a car, please give your name to Staff that is outside so they may call your student out. This is to allow us to know who your student is leaving with.
  5. 2:50 Teachers bring the remainder of students down to sit on the wall outside of the gym.

Late Arrivals

Students are expected to be in the classroom at 7:30 am. A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in his/her seat when the bell rings at 7:30 am. When students are tardy and enter a class, they disrupt the learning process of the other students. Please ensure your student is on time, every day, and all day. Rise and Shine and other morning activities are equally important and considered a part of your child’s school day and therefore attendance is required. When your student is tardy after 8:00 am, it is considered a half day absence. Many of these could result in your student not having a grade for their first subject. If your child is tardy, you must park, come in and check your student in.

One criteria of a student’s success in school are regular and punctual attendance; frequent absences may lead to poor academic work, lack of social development, and possible academic failure. No single factor may interfere with a student’s progress more quickly than frequent tardiness and absence.

IF YOUR CHILD IS LATE, REMIND HIM/HER TO GO THROUGH THE OFFICE FOR A TARDY SLIP. This is the only way to mark the student off the absentee list for the day.


Please try to schedule your child’s doctor’s and dental appointments around school hours. If students need to leave before the end of the school day, they must be checked out through the office. Also, if students need to leave early, please be sure that you arrive before 2:15 pm. THE STUDENT WILL NOT BE RELEASED AFTER 2:15 UNTIL IT IS TIME FOR DISMISSAL AT 2:35. Students will not be released from the classroom without a call from the office. Students will not be removed from class before your arrival, so please allow adequate time before appointments to come in. Students leaving early on a regular basis could result in them not having grades in their last class. NEVER REMOVE A CHILD DIRECTLY FROM THE CLASSROOM.

Opening Bell 7:30 a.m.
Dismissal Bell 2:35 p.m.

Contact Us

Unity Learning Academy
2137 N. Pittsburg Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74115